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2019 Chamber Committees

The Holly Springs Chamber is proud to be an engaged organization and we encourage our members to consider taking an active role in any of the below committees:

Government Relations and Education Committee

The role of the Government Relations committee is to keep members informed on proposed legislation or actions that may have an economic impact (mainly at the local level) and to present policies and agendas to these governmental units. The committee also identifies and establishes contact with key members of government. When appropriate, the committee will coordinate with town officials in a team approach to present information to improve understanding of a local issue, such as transportation, infrastructure, etc.

Communications Committee

The role of the Communications committee is to work with Chamber staff in developing the new marketing plan and implementation steps.

Sports and Leisure Committee

The role of the Sports and Leisure committee is to bring together a diverse group of organizations to collaborate and drive business growth through awareness and participation in sports and leisure tourism in Holly Springs. Establish Holly Springs as a thought and action leader for Sports and Leisure tourism in Southern Wake County. Create events that have the greatest economic impact for Holly Springs’ residents and Chamber businesses. Help to grow the reputation of Holly Springs as a great destination and place to live and work.

Major Events Committee

The role of the Major Events Committee is to work with Chamber staff to plan, advertise, and execute the major events listed below. The events should be well planned and within budget to meet the objective of the event and maximize participation by Chamber members and others as appropriate.

Grapes, Grains,
and Giving

Executive Women’s Luncheon

Membership Appreciation


Meeting 2019